2021년 7월 국내 웹사이트 순위 1위~50위
2021. 7. 25. 00:19
21년 7월 국내 웹사이트 순위 1위부터 50위까지입니다.
alexa.com에서 조사한 통계입니다.
Alexa - Top Sites in South Korea - Alexa
Top Sites in South Korea The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month Alexa traffic rank.The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past month. The site with the highest combination
순위 | 웹 사이트 | 평균체류시간 | 평균페이지뷰 | 검색 트래픽 비율 | 연결되는사이트수 |
1 | Google.com | 17:31 | 18.19 | 0.3% | 1,300,441 |
2 | Naver.com | 15:07 | 12.5 | 9.9% | 38,994 |
3 | Youtube.com | 19:19 | 10.2 | 13.6% | 988,820 |
4 | Daum.net | 13:21 | 9.77 | 4.3% | 15,145 |
5 | Tistory.com | 6:16 | 4.08 | 25.6% | 10,601 |
6 | Kakao.com | 4:13 | 4.69 | 6.9% | 11,869 |
7 | tmall.com | 6:60 | 3.84 | 1.1% | 6,212 |
8 | Google.co.kr | 3:27 | 5.24 | 11.2% | 6,241 |
9 | amazone.com | 10:46 | 9.81 | 19.5% | 363,277 |
10 | coupang.com | 8:54 | 7.74 | 11.1% | 392 |
11 | netflix.com | 4:51 | 3.4 | 9.2% | 10,865 |
12 | facebook.com | 18:44 | 8.72 | 8.90% | 2,181,031 |
13 | Sohu.com | 3:38 | 4.55 | 2.10% | 25,945 |
14 | namu.wiki | 6:12 | 3.80 | 17.80% | 104 |
15 | Qq.com | 3:43 | 3.91 | 3.20% | 262,198 |
16 | wikipedia.org | 3:46 | 3.08 | 75.10% | 763,999 |
17 | Taobao.com | 4:33 | 3.49 | 4.20% | 24,826 |
18 | microsoft.com | 3:19 | 4.16 | 29.00% | 235,680 |
19 | 360.cn | 3:14 | 4.14 | 0.40% | 14,998 |
20 | jd.com | 3:33 | 4.39 |
1.60% | 8,481 |
21 | dcinside.com | 10:27 | 3.47 | 24.10% | 735 |
22 | baidu.com | 5:12 | 5.05 | 7.3% | 101,279 |
23 | lnstagram.com | 8:59 | 10.61 | 14.90% | 622,099 |
24 | yahoo.com | 5:08 | 4.71 | 8.50% | 319,186 |
25 | zoom.us | 7:04 |
3.63 | 15.60% | 3,009 |
26 | adobe.com | 3:47 | 3.51 | 22.80% | 244,100 |
27 | gmarket.co.kr | 4:33 | 5.39 | 18.20% | 2,500 |
28 | twitch.tv | 8:25 |
4.11 | 7.20% | 9,771 |
29 | office.com | 12:38 | 11.11 | 6.20% | 5,767 |
30 | 11st.co.kr | 5:31 | 4.89 | 3.00% | 1,203 |
31 | nate.com | 5:56 | 11.3 | 11.7% | 2,219 |
32 | fmkorea.com | 14:44 | 15.8 | 15.00% | 795 |
33 | apple.com | 3:41 | 3.59 | 37.2% | 174,917 |
34 | donga.com | 6:15 | 7.83 | 15.8% | 4,204 |
35 | danawa.com | 5:26 | 7.21 | 32.6% | 1,285 |
36 | weibo.com | 2:58 | 3.54 | 2.3% | 68,824 |
37 | sina.com.cn | 2:50 | 3.35 | 3.4% | 45,672 |
38 | chosun.com | 3:2 | 1.79 | 27.5% | 7,512 |
39 | saramin.co.kr | 4:31 | 5.9 | 37.9% | 1,591 |
40 | afreecatv.com | 15:09 | 10.6 | 7.5% | 495 |
41 | dropbox.com | 5:01 | 3.95 | 8.7% | 22,306 |
42 | bing.com | 2:52 | 2.67 | 5.3% | 41,693 |
43 | auction.co.kr | 3:16 | 4.24 | 10.10% | 1,352 |
44 | inven.co.kr | 5:06 | 6.00 | 27.5% | 1,309 |
45 | ebay.com | 9:47 | 7.66 | 17.9% | 74,970 |
46 | yahoo.co.jp | 10:06 | 9.19 | 14.6% | 57,560 |
47 | upbit.com | 16:16 | 3.68 | 5.8% | 107 |
48 | aliexpress.com | 10:05 | 8.29 | 16% | 18,807 |
49 | jobkorea.co.kr | 5:47 | 6.13 | 28.6% | 1,016 |
50 | yna.co.kr | 5:38 | 4.83 | 14.3% | 567 |